Our Case Studies

Biomass Crop Test for Biogas Feedstock

C-NES is currently undertaking a project in the Limpopo province of South Africa to investigate the planting, growing, and harvesting techniques of Opuntia ficus-indica for use as dedicated biomass energy feedstock. The project's primary objective is to explore the biogas potential of Opuntia ficus indica as a sustainable energy source.

Transforming Waste to Energy (WTE)

Waste to Energy is an innovative solution that addresses the pressing issue of waste management while simultaneously producing energy. C-NES conducted a Technology Assessment to assess the W2E technologies on various factors such as waste availability, techno-economics, environmental and social impact, and regulatory compliance to ensure that the projects were sustainable and economically viable.

Spineless Opuntia Ficus-Indica: Biogas Value Chain

The use of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly important in the face of climate change and the need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. One promising alternative is biogas, a renewable energy source that can be produced from various organic materials. One such material is the spineless opuntia ficus-indica. This Case Study details the plant as well as its non-invasive nature.

Economic Diversification for Post-Mine Economies

Economic diversification is an essential strategy for mining areas transitioning to a post-mine economy. It refers to the process of creating new economic activities and industries beyond the traditional mining sector. Economic diversification aims to build a sustainable and resilient economy that can support the local community's long-term prosperity. This case study details the projects in which C-NES designed economic diversification architecture for two large platinum group metal mining operations in the Limpopo province of South Africa.

Let’s Work Together

Further case studies are available upon request. Please provide some information on your project or goals, and we’ll take it from there.